Well, if you feel this way, which I have and do at times still, I'd like to introduce you to the concept of The Slight Edge. The basic idea is that simple choices that you make and small consistent actions that you take over time will create big results. I learned this concept and how to apply it to my life and chess from a book by Jeff Olsen called The Slight Edge: Turning Simple Disciplines into Massive Success and Happiness
Get a Better Philosophy
Don't worry, this isn't about some esoteric philosophical system that you need to learn to get better at chess. It's about your beliefs about yourself, your ability in chess, and how you can improve. Jeff Olsen defines your philosophy as what you know, how you hold what you know, and how it affects what you do.
Your philosophy about chess (and anything else in your life) creates your attitude, which drives your actions, which determines your results.
Understanding this, does your philosophy empower you or limit you? (I think this is a similar concept to limiting beliefs which I will discuss in more detail in another post).
Here are two chess philosophies:
- You've either got it or you don't.
- No matter where I am currently, I can improve myself.
Your Philosophy Creates Your Attitude
Here are some attitudes created by the philosophy of "You've either got it or you don't."
- Studying chess is a waste of time
- I don't need to analyze my games
- I'm probably not going to get any better than I am now.
- Everything I do to study and train will help me to get better.
- By analyzing my mistakes, I will avoid them in the future.
- I'm not where I want to be, but I will be some day.
Your Attitudes Drive Your Actions
- Mainly play games (and not study or analyze their games)
- Try to play opponents who are weaker than they are (since they see no point in playing tougher opposition where they are more likely to lose)
- Eventually quit playing chess as they get more frustrated with their lack of progress
- Going over your own games (including and especially your losses)
- Try to analyze after games with opponents to try to improve
- Balance playing games with study and training
Your Assignment
In The Slight Edge, Jeff Olsen teaches that it doesn't matter how good the information is if we don't apply it. So I invite you to do the following as soon as you can:
- Determine what you current chess philosophy is? Write it down.
- What attitudes does your philosophy create? Write it down.
- Do you need a new or better philosophy? Guess what? Write it down.
- What new actions can you take with an improved set of philosophy and attitudes?
Please share your insights with us in the comments section and check out Part 2.
Here are a couple books that you might find helpful.
The Slight Edge: Turning Simple Disciplines into Massive Success and Happiness
Mindset: The New Psychology of Success
This is a great book that inspired me that despite my age and state in life (e.g. parent, businessman, etc.) I could improve my chess. Carol Dweck describes how your mindset - similar to your philosophy and attitudes - help to determine your success. If you are interested in self-improvement in any area of life (and chess), then I highly recommend this book.
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